Litha-Paint (Beta)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Looking for Hosting Sponsorship

As long as we unleashed source code to public we lost our only revenue stream coming from selling sources. Until we find another one, we need to cover our hosting expenses (104USD/month).
We looking for a java hosting sponsorship for the next 6 months. It shouldn't necessary be a dedicated server as we are currently having. Good shared java hosting would be enough for the first time.
If you have an extra hosting resource and willing to help us, please write us to


Monday, March 02, 2009

Litha-Paint Became Open Source

Hi there!
Despite of world-wide downturn there are still some pleasant moments in our life. Having no investments nor obligations we can afford ourselves such crazy little things like throwing our project to the public.

You can download it from anonymously.

Go ahead until i changed my mind :-)
