We've been down for the count for 57 hours
Litha-Paint.com is online again after a massive knock-out. We apologies for such a long interruption. During the technical investigation of the server's crash we've learned a several simple lessons:
1. Never use Sun's JDK 1.5 on Red Hat 7.2.
At the first time, tomcat has been working fine for a week. But then the server hanged. Even sshd did not work. Only hard reboot did help. It seems like RH 7.2 is too old for J5.
2. It is not easy to use even jdk 1.4 on Red Hat 7.2 without X11.
AWT subsystem uses X11 server which is absent on our RH 7.2 installation. It is not enough to only run "/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :0 -screen 0 1024x768x32 &" (see http://www.pokerapp.com/xvfb.html and http://www.idevelopment.info). In addition to that you must use "-Djava.awt.headless=true" option for java (see http://groups.yahoo.com).
3. Study release notes more thoroughly.
Before deciding what platform you want just be sure that your software works well on it. Quite simple, isn't it? :-)
We are happy that you are with us.
1. Never use Sun's JDK 1.5 on Red Hat 7.2.
At the first time, tomcat has been working fine for a week. But then the server hanged. Even sshd did not work. Only hard reboot did help. It seems like RH 7.2 is too old for J5.
2. It is not easy to use even jdk 1.4 on Red Hat 7.2 without X11.
AWT subsystem uses X11 server which is absent on our RH 7.2 installation. It is not enough to only run "/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :0 -screen 0 1024x768x32 &" (see http://www.pokerapp.com/xvfb.html and http://www.idevelopment.info). In addition to that you must use "-Djava.awt.headless=true" option for java (see http://groups.yahoo.com).
3. Study release notes more thoroughly.
Before deciding what platform you want just be sure that your software works well on it. Quite simple, isn't it? :-)
We are happy that you are with us.